Saturday, November 13, 2010

Civil War Re-enactment

Had a fun day with the family today! We went to Moorpark for a Civil War re-enactment. We saw all the guns, sabers(swords), and canons; blare for hours at a time! We got to see Abraham Lincoln
gave a speech called the Gettysburg Address and General Custer
talked about his great triumphs and failures. For a man who failed in the act of trying to free our country; is a pretty decent man I would say. Even though he lead thousands of men to their death and will be considered a fool in the History books for the rest of time; he will be a hero for the dedication and effort he put in.

Today was such a good day for me to take pictures! I took some great pictures that showed the simple facts of war. War is a place where men and women are fighting for us. We may have been to scared to fight oursleves but the sacrafices they make for us show the heart the have for their country. Whether they return home or not they will know what they have done for us and I hope we can all realize how important they are to us. Please, come home safely <3

My Photography:

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