Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Santa Monica Pier

Today we went to the Santa Monica Pier and while we were there we went on a 10 mile bike ride, walked around Venice, played in the ocean, and went to the Pier. We got to the beach around 10 in the morning and it was cold and cloudy and then we went on our bike ride and on it we say a poke-a-dot house, AND Barbies Dream House! They were the 2 UGLIEST houses in the world! I would never ever let a family member live there! So very ugly!

Then went we got to Venice we had lunch and saw some creepers. My friend that was there with us was freaking out and hyperventilating because druggies were yelling and cursing at each other. She thought they were gonna pull guns out and shoot her. I got a kick out of it. And then we went back to the Pier.

When we got to the Pier we went on a roller coaster, Farris wheel, and bumper cars. Before we did all that we just stared out into the ocean and watched the gentle ripples in the ocean move up and down. It was to gorgeous! Then after we finished going on all the rides we got these HUGE ice cream cones!

After we got our cones we walked back to the front of the Pier so we could go play in the water. As Kody and His friend played in the water, my friend and I put are feet in the sand because it was starting to get cold again. And as we got bored we had a race down the beach....guess who won...her the track star or me the volleyball star. I did, because she twisted her ankle earlier in the day. I still say i won though.

After spending about 45 minutes goofing of down by the water we had to get back home so Kody could get to football practice. We all wish we could have stayed longer. Even though we couldn't it was definitely worth the trip!

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