Thursday, July 15, 2010

Aunt Sherry

This week Aunt Sherry visited from Washington, just after Uncle Brian passed away. I'm so glad she came to visit us for a while, it was a blast. We went to so many places you couldn't imagine!

When we first picked Aunt Sherry up from the airport we went to pinks! Yum! The best hot dot place in California (agreed by everyone). So we ate some pretty wacky hot dogs, guacamole-dog, polish-dogs, and the big leaguer (everything on it...thats right EVERYTHING). Then after that we went to the Guinness book of World Records building. We saw the tallest man,

fattest man,smallest women, and Elvis! "Ahhhhh!" For what it was worth it was a lot of fun!

Then we went to Venice Beach another day! There were some really funny pot-heads there, that screamed at us about random junk. We laughed and walked away! I thought is was the funniest thing of my life! And then as we walked around Aunt Sherry bought Kody a metal man and she bought me a new bag. Yes, a new bag for me...the bag-a-holic. Thank you so much!

Then in our free time we played lots of Monopoly. And I beat her once out of 4 games. Kody never won once. Sucker! And Kody also had a baseball tournament when Aunt Sherry was here...they won all there games and Aunt Sherry enjoyed watching him play! Oh, and the girls(mom, Sherry, and I) went to the Camarillo Outlets. Got some new clothes and that is always fun!

I'm so glad you came to visit us Aunt Sherry, we had a blast with you.

"Other things may change us but, we start and end with family."

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