Pennsylvania- Steelers gameWe left LAX Airport at 10:45 on Saturday night. I was really hyper at the airport but as soon as we got onto the airplane I hit a state of exhaustion. Me and Kody say next to each other on the plane (our seats were across from the bathroom). As soon as the pilot took away the seat belt sign away...A never ending stream of light hit our face. Door open, door close, door open, door close, almost asleep, drunk guy hits our chairs, uses bathroom, doesn't close door... common sense people. I mean really you can't shut a door?
Kody feel asleep on my shoulder, It made me feel important and needed. We landed in North Carolina at 5:30am. We had a 2 hour lay-over before we got on our connecting flight to Pennsylvania. Sure enough we fell asleep on that 1 hr and 30 min flight.

Once we got our rental car we drove for 20 minutes (I fell asleep once again) to Heinz Stadium (Pittsburgh Steelers). Once we there, we saw thousands and thousands of people. The tail-gate parties were
crazy! There were over 20
LARGE parking lots filled with them. Everyone attending the game was dressed in their own personal take on the Steelers attire. People had their face's painted (including Kody),

crazy suits, hats that even made them look crazy.
We sat in front of this family, they were "true" fans as you could say. Every call they had some input.
Bad Call- "Boo ref you suck" or "Dirty Raiders!" Plus, their daughter would repeats the mom's
EVERY word.
Good Call- "Finally ref" or "Go Steelers!" It got old really fast.

As we were walking to a restaurant after the game for dinner, My dad dropped his "terrible towel" and these drunk ladies grabbed it and ran up to him. The ladies kept repeating and slurring the words, " Sir, sir, sir! You, you dropped your to-towel." We get it he dropped his towel. Is it really that hard to ask you to stop drinking beer so you can talk! But, it was really funny and I thought they were going to fall over.
We walked to "Jerome Bettis Grill 36", which was packed (no surprise there). We ended up eating dinner at a steakhouse called "Hyde Park." My dad said (quote) "This is the best steak I've ever had!" And we all tried each others food; which made it all the better. Dinner was delicious!

As the day comes to a close, we are all worn out; the 3 hours time difference sucks, the football game was a blast, and dinner was great! So good night California and hello Washington D.C.
Step walked today: 5890