Going to The Newseum was an eye-opening experience. It was by far my favorite place we went this entire trip! Seeing all recent and latest things happening in society from the oil spill to Hurricane Katrina and 9-11. Everything told a story. A story worth listening too. A story worth listening to and telling others about! Some of the exhibits here were heart-warming and others were heart-breaking but not everything and everyone can have a fairytale ending. And I thank God each and everyday for how lucky I am to be healthy and to have a family that loves and supports me! (P.S. I fell in love with Elvis here <3)
The interactive games we played here were fun as well, it was a total blast watching Kody do a newscast! My family is so amazing and I am so happy to have them in my life!
Today we also visited the Lincoln Memorial today. It was HUMONGOUS! I couldn't believe how small I was standing next to it. I felt like an ant. I had never stood next to something or even someone so significant to history..and I loved every minute of it! At that very moment, I could truly say... I am proud to be an american.
Tommorow we head home and I am not looking forward to it. I wish I could stay here just a little bit LONGER and learn a little bit MORE.
<3 Bye Bye Beautiful <3