Friday, December 3, 2010

Washington DC -Day 6


Going to The Newseum was an eye-opening experience. It was by far my favorite place we went this entire trip! Seeing all recent and latest things happening in society from the oil spill to Hurricane Katrina and 9-11. Everything told a story. A story worth listening too. A story worth listening to and telling others about! Some of the exhibits here were heart-warming and others were heart-breaking but not everything and everyone can have a fairytale ending. And I thank God each and everyday for how lucky I am to be healthy and to have a family that loves and supports me! (P.S. I fell in love with Elvis here <3)

The interactive games we played here were fun as well, it was a total blast watching Kody do a newscast! My family is so amazing and I am so happy to have them in my life!

Today we also visited the Lincoln Memorial today. It was HUMONGOUS! I couldn't believe how small I was standing next to it. I felt like an ant. I had never stood next to something or even someone so significant to history..and I loved every minute of it! At that very moment, I could truly say... I am proud to be an american.

Tommorow we head home and I am not looking forward to it. I wish I could stay here just a little bit LONGER and learn a little bit MORE.

<3 Bye Bye Beautiful <3

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Washington DC -Day 5

Washington Monument

What a gorgeous view of Washington DC at 555 feet in the air. You can see the White House, Lincoln memorial, the Ellipse, the Smithsonian's,
the Capitol building, and much much more! Looking around in the top I felt invincible. Like nothing could go wrong, I saw everything around for miles. I couldn't help but think that our founding fathers struggled to make this world what we have and that this is one small piece left behind.
Many things that they DID leave we surrounded with sky scrappers and house and we lost the importance of our country's history through it all. You could say that we still have it all but it is all tucked away in the tallest building on the highest shelf in the biggest book. But who would be brave enough to open it and discover all the little secrets?

"If not me, then who?
If not now, then when?"

We also went to Fords Theatre to see where President Lincoln was shot.
We got to see his seats that are still the same as from the night he was killed along with the gun used to shoot him. We heard the story and the real story not some phony story you hear online. It was truly amazing to learn a little piece from the past.
You think your History teachers know everything? THINK AGAIN! Not even close. You need to get up close and personal to discover what your not taught because the interesting stuff!

Another AMAZING day :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Washington DC -Day 4

Air & Space Museum

Today as we woke up we strolled on down to Air and Space to meet Amelia Earhart and the Wright Brothers. The exhibits here were really cool along will all the interactive games. I learned how much the world has changed from discrimination against women to the new advances in technology! It was a blast seeing all the REAL and MODEL airplanes and pieces of rocket ships!

Me and Kody even did a simulation flyer and we learned that I absolutely suck at flying and Kody stinks at shooting. We didn't make a very good team today.

We also went to the White House today. You may think its pretty and that it has some significant meaning behind it but all it really is, is a white building with a fence around it. If you wanted to see one of those all you would of had to do is walk around your neighborhood. But, no. We wanted the wow factor! The Jazz! You go to see it take a few pictures here and there, turn around' walk away, and all the excitment is gone! Ya it was great to see in person but nothing of extreme factors to make me want to go back.

I love hanging out with my family and today was a good day. Can't wait for more tomorrow.